Lies, Damned Lies and Statistical Mechanics - 2
(Aimed at a broad readership)
The key to the solar
structure lies in the way quantum mechanics controls the stellar formation
First, some history: In 1902 James Jeans published his
theory of instability of a gas cloud that was sufficiently dense and cold. If
it is cold enough and dense enough, gravity can overcome thermal pressure and
cause the cloud to collapse and become a star. Such a collapsing cloud, it was
thought, would become increasingly hot at the centre, due to increasing
pressure, until hot enough to initiate fusion. Consequently a hot gaseous
sphere would result, with plasma at the centre and cooling to gas at its
extremities. However this theoretical structure
does not concur with the evidence of solar measurements. When the (verified) data
disagrees with the theory, the theory must be wrong.
Physics has moved on,
including the discovery of quantum mechanics, and will always move on, so we
need to re-evaluate in that light.
Quantum mechanics (recapitulation)
tells us that the electron in a hydrogen atom inhabits a cloudy region
surrounding its nucleus, referred to as a “probability distribution”, whose
radius depends on the electron’s quantum energy level – the higher the energy:
the larger the radius. The Uncertainty Principle, in the guise of Pauli’s
Exclusion Principle, says that two electrons of the same quantum energy
configuration cannot occupy the same “system”, or in this case probability
distribution. When you try to compress atoms into very high density, this
principle causes a force between the atoms known as electron degeneracy
pressure. It has the effect of restricting the size of the electron cloud
surrounding each atom’s nucleus, rather like squeezing soft rubber balls
together, to the point where the atoms behave increasingly like solid spheres.
This degeneracy pressure prevents densely packed atoms absorbing more energy, because,
otherwise, the size of the individual electron clouds would have to increase
and breech the Pauli Exclusion Principle by overlapping each other. Hence, at high density, constrained by
externally imposed pressure, atoms
cannot have their temperatures increased. Indeed they can even become colder.
During stellar formation, gravitational pressure (which is like Earth’s atmospheric and
oceanic pressures) puts more of a squeeze on the centre as the protostar
continues to grow, in mass and size, due to the incoming gas/dust from the remainder
of the protostellar cloud. Gravitational potential energy possessed by the cloud
constituents prior to the collapse gets converted to kinetic energy as it falls
in and when the incoming matter reaches the protostar some of this energy is converted to heat on the outside of the protostar.
This heat cannot permeate to the inner
regions due to the Pauli Exclusion Principle being invoked by the density and
pressure as stated above.
With much earlier beginnings: In 1611, Kepler had conjectured
that identical solid spheres could not be packed together more densely than to
74% of the total enclosing volume. This idea was supported by Gauss but only
proven (computationally) in 1998 and accepted as a theorem in 2014. (You
thought Peter Higgs had a long wait?!) Now, if this principle is extended to
densely packed atoms, it can be seen that at
74% packing density, the atoms are unable to move in relation to each other
meaning that the matter is solid. The
packing density has to be reduced to about 50% to permit full fluidity and
around 25% to allow gas formation (my informed estimates). (Matter can
still be solid at lower densities and similarly for liquids; it’s the maxima that are important in this
The radii of hydrogen atoms at different energy levels can
be readily calculated and applying the principles above we can determine the
relation between atom energy, density and phase of matter. The maximum possible density of hydrogen is found to be 1029
atoms per cubic metre and only if it is cold. Anything hotter, at that density,
or denser than that isn’t hydrogen.
So the pre-stellar
sphere, prior to fusion initiation, has a cold solid centre but as it gets less
dense away from the centre it can get hotter and, as it does so, goes through
the phases from solid to liquid to gas. This structure is, of course, completely opposite to the conventional
model but it complies with the measured data. But that is before it has fired
Crunch time!
Pressure is the same thing as energy density. This can be
derived, from the ideal gas equation of state, and, also, the physical
dimensions of these measures are identical. In order for two hydrogen atoms to
fuse, some force or pressure is needed to overcome the electrostatic repulsion
between the two positively charged nuclei. This is called the Coulomb barrier
and the energy needed to overcome it is calculated by Gamow’s theorem. If
therefore, at the centre of the star, the pressure divided by the atomic
density (giving the energy per atom) exceeds the Gamow energy (and, of course,
electron degeneracy pressure) we can have fusion. Clearly there is a critical
mass that must be present for fusion to initiate and new versions of the Jeans’
equations are being sought on this new basis. This critical mass for fusion start-up
is irrespective of the eventual mass of the complete star.
Initially, fusion may be started before the star is
sufficiently massive to maintain the central gravitational pressure against the
outward thermal pressure caused by the fusion. So there can be some false
starts before continuous fusion gets under way. Once fusion has been
established it starts eating away the surrounding solid hydrogen from the
inside. Heat is borne from the centre to the exterior by radiation, heating the
outer layers progressively, as permitted by the Pauli Exclusion Principle and
as stated in my previous blog (The Photosphere Delusion). In the biggest stars,
the fusion-capable region is correspondingly bigger so the rate of fusion is
higher than for smaller stars, making them hotter and brighter, which is
confirmed by observations. Brown dwarfs may be objects that had insufficient
mass for fusion to initiate and their observed radiation comes from the hot
matter at their outer regions (gravitational potential energy converted to heat
as described earlier) as they cool.
Consequently, the
resulting star has fusion at the centre surrounded by a solid shell followed by
a liquid layer, gas, and then plasma. The densities of the solar structure from
the photosphere outward have been measured repeatedly and the inner areas are
too dense to be gaseous, let alone plasma. The granulation evident on the solar
“surface” is vigorously boiling liquid hydrogen.
In a mature star, fusion products, i.e. denser elements fall
to the innermost centre of the star. During hydrogen fusion helium atoms are
produced. Helium atoms are slightly smaller that hydrogen and are equivalent to
four hydrogen atoms in content and mass. So the mass density of helium is much
higher than that of hydrogen. Consequently, hydrogen fusion creates material
that can reach higher densities (both mass and number density), making room, as it were, for further fusion to occur. The hydrogen shell surrounding the fusion zone is kept in place by the
balance between internal thermal and radiation pressures and external
gravitational pressure, which also accounts for its spherical shape. The star
will eventually die when this balance is lost, either by implosion or
explosion, depending on which pressure wins.
The stellar structure
described here is inevitable from the measured data.
There are still more delusions to deal with including the
solar spectrum itself (next blog) and sunspots.
This is one component of my solution to the solar heat
transfer problem.
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